Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween in Macau

Halloween is not celebrated here nor in many of the other native countries of those living in Macau.  So celebrating this fun holiday was a bit of a challenge.  Only a few stores had a small amount of  Halloween candy, a few costume accessories (like Mickey Mouse ears, oversized glasses, or a tiara), and very little if any decorations.  Pumpkins were especially hard to find and very expensive.  Despite the lack of resources, we still managed to celebrate Halloween.  We covered our windows with homemade Halloween decorations, ate chili for dinner (although it wasn't Mom's wheat chili), and even dressed up to go out and get a treat.  
On the day of Halloween, by pure luck, I stumbled upon a book that made our Halloween a true success.  It was a pop-out mask book for costume parties.  It had masks for monsters, fairies, animals, and more.  It was perfect!  The kids spent a few hours coloring the masks after school and loved every minute.  
 All their hard work could not go to waste so we devised a plan to do our own version of trick-or-treating.  Each of us wore a mask as we walked through Old Taipa (usually a pretty populated area of town) to get a special treat (frozen yogurt with all the toppings you want).
 As we walked through our apartment building we got a few smiles and thumbs up, along the streets most people walked by with little or no expression except one group that laughed hysterically, and in the lighted, shop area we got a few funny looks and lots of double takes.
It wasn't a typical trick-or-treat outing but we still had a good time, ate a yummy treat, and have a Halloween night we'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Those are really cute masks! I love it! Way to be creative!
