Monday, November 19, 2012

Sledding in Macau

Fall weather is upon us meaning day-time temperatures are in the 70's and overnight lows may drop to the mid to high 60's.  To us, it's perfect weather; to the natives, it's cold.  While we're still comfortable in shorts and t-shirts, most people are wearing long sleeves, sweaters, and jackets.  We've even seen a few wearing coats, scarfs, beanies, and snow boots!!

A few weeks ago, the school transitioned to a "winter uniform".  My kids were NOT excited about wearing long sleeves and pants but they're getting used to them.  Abby even likes the wearing a tie and knee high socks.  Plus, Ian's uniform (the same as Cade's and Abby's PE uniform) is super comfortable.

While we enjoy the perfect weather, our family and friends in Utah are getting buried in an early season snow storm.  Reports of more than 2 feet of snow at our house makes me so glad we don't have to shovel the snow this year (have fun shoveling Bobby and Amy).  But seeing the pictures of the beautiful, white covered ground, silly snowmen, snow forts, and early ski trips, we're a bit jealous.  We're really going to miss our nighttime snowball fights, learning to ski, and sledding at the golf course this winter.  

To help ease some of our homesickness, our friends took us to a sledding hill not far from our apartment.  Who would have guessed there's a place to sled on a little island in the South China Sea?

 The sledding hill wasn't covered in snow but we still had a great time!

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