Monday, November 5, 2012

"Uncle" Visits

It's been 3 months (91 days) since we moved to Macau. One of the hardest parts about moving half way around the world is being so far away from family and friends. Technology is great and we do get to talk with and often times see our loved ones through a computer or phone screen but it's still not the same as being together in person.  So, when Kyle's co-workers or business associates come to town, we get excited about a real person visit. Often we go to dinner with them or show them a little part of Macau.  They may be strangers to the kids and I but we call them "uncle" and automatically a bond exists with these visitors.  Their brief visit seems more meaningful to us. They may not have come to Macau to see the Kisebach family but the Kisebach family thinks they flew thousands of miles just to visit us.  

It's been 8 years since we (meaning Kyle and I - the kids weren't around or too little to remember) last saw Uncle Vic.  During a business trip, Vic was able to have a "catch-up-on-old-times" dinner with Kyle one evening and a night out with the family on another evening.  
We showed him our apartment, walked through Old Taipa, tasted some new foods at a multicultural festival, played a few games, and ate a nice dinner. The kids loved telling him stories and jokes and pointed out cool things along our way. You'd never guess the kids just met Uncle Vic.  It was a great visit and we hope to see him again.

Our visit with Uncle Chris (Kyle's co-worker) was fun not only because he brought a bag full of gifts and candy from Grandma Jan but also because he took the attention off us when we were in public with him.  Nobody stared, pointed, or wanted pictures of the blonde kids when a 7 foot tall, red head was around.  He was definitely the center of attention at the restaurant, on the street, and especially on our hike in Coloane.    

We've also had some memorable visits with Uncle Vern and Uncle Mark (sorry - no pictures). And, like the other uncle visits, the kids have felt very comfortable with these almost strangers. Even Leah, who can be quite shy around new people, especially men, has no problem interacting with the uncles.  

So, to all you good people reading this blog, come visit the Kisebach family in Macau. We'll call you "Uncle", "Auntie", "Gramma", "Paca", or "Cousin" because if you travel half way around the world and stop by to see us, you're FAMILY!

Kyle's Note: By the way all you ACTUAL uncles... this is a nod to you; our kids can deal with total strangers as long as we call them "uncle," because you're all individually and collectively that cool.


  1. As you may (or may not) know, I've been out of commission for a couple of months after having major foot surgery. Just now re-entering the land of the living...and getting caught up on all your wonderful blog entries! Can't tell you how much I enjoy them, hearing about the kids' adventures, and seeing all the great fotos. Your posts are like the kind of books I like to read, that is, illustrated! Also liked learning about "villain bashing" or "villian beating" LOL. Keep 'em coming!

  2. By the way all you ACTUAL uncles... this is a nod to you; our kids can deal with total strangers as long as we call them "uncle" because you're all individually and collectively that cool.
