Thursday, November 15, 2012

Abby's Day

Our sweet, little Abby is growing up so fast.
As you can see, she's quickly becoming a beautiful, young woman.
Our move to Macau has been challenging for Abby but many of those challenges are helping her to discover more about herself and life in general.  One thing she learned was how much she wanted to be baptized and have the Holy Ghost.  Abby's been looking forward to and preparing for her baptism for a long time.  Visa issues and other scheduling conflicts extended that waiting time a little longer.  But, Abby was patient and understanding and allowed that time to only increase her desire and excitement to be baptized.

Abby knew that being baptized in Macau would be a unique opportunity.  It also meant family members and friends living in the United States could not attend the baptismal service.  Abby missed all of you who could not be there but she felt your love and support, especially with the many thoughts and messages that she received from you.

As Abby and I try to describe this special event, please understand that it's hard to put into words or show in pictures just how wonderful this day really was. 

For the baptism ceremony, Abby wore the same white dress that I wore when I was baptized.  Although, she was not fond of the dress style a few months ago, she recently felt the sentimental value of the dress and wanted to be baptized in it (plus, it's so much cuter than the jumpsuit alternative).
Two other sisters, Aida and Nena, were also baptized with Abby.  
The baptismal program included a talk on baptism by a cute sister named Golda (Abby and Leah call her the "pretty, pretty nails" sister because that's what she says every time she sees Abby's and Leah's painted fingernails and toenails), a beautiful musical number (I'll Find You My Friend) by the sisters in the Branch, and my talk about the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Then Abby, Aida, and Nena were baptized.  Abby almost forgot to plug her nose before going under the water.  I was worried she'd get water up her nose or mouth and come up coughing but she came out of the water with a big, beautiful smile on her face.  As I helped Abby change her clothes, she kept telling me how happy she was.  She knew she had made a good decision to be baptized.  Following the baptisms, Aida and Nena took an opportunity to share their testimony and feelings about their baptism.  Abby was a little too shy to share her feelings but I thought her smile said it all.  To close the meeting, Cade offered a very nice, thoughtful prayer.  
Following the baptismal service, Abby received some gifts and a bouquet of flowers.  
This is a very happy girl!

The confirmations were performed later in the day during our sacrament meeting.  In addition to receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, Abby also received a beautiful blessing.  As Kyle spoke the words of the blessing, you could tell he was overcome by emotions.  The Spirit was felt strongly by him, Abby, and many of us listening.  Abby returned to her seat beaming from ear to ear.  Again she whispered to me how happy she was.   
Being baptized and confirmed by Dad are very memorable father/daughter moments.

Abby's day turned out to be a very special one that she will remember always.
We're so glad Abby is part of our family.  We love her so much.

Abby's I Can't Wait Until I'm 8 Video


  1. Awesome video! I'm so happy for you Abby! I'm glad your special day was great! We miss you. We tried to call you on Sunday night. We will try again this weekend. Love ya!

  2. What a neat experience! Who gets to say there were baptised in Macau?

  3. Congratulations Abby. We miss you!
