Monday, October 29, 2012

Kindergarten Concert

The kindergarten classes held a concert to show off what they've been learning the past few months.  The four classes took turns singing songs and reciting poems in English and Chinese on stage in front of the parents and helpers.  The kids did a great job!

Ian's been singing "It's a Small World" at home for a few weeks getting ready for this concert so I thought I knew what to expect from his class.  But I was surprised when the first 2 songs his class performed where in Chinese.  I shouldn't have been surprised (I know they're learning Chinese).  But I was still a bit overwhelmed as I watched my little 5 year old towhead performing on stage in Chinese.  And yes, I had to wipe away a few tears (what a crybaby Mom I am!).  Ian did fantastic - he knew the words, did the dance moves, and had a fun time doing it.  I was so proud of him.

Check out Ian (back row, left of center) and his class performing in the videos below (just ignore my amateur videography skills).

Chinese Songs

English Poem and Song

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