Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sky100 Building

The best view of Hong Kong is a 360 degree panoramic view, 393 meters (about 1289 feet) above sea level on the 100th floor of the Sky100 Building.  The observation deck is all indoors - great for those of us with a slight fear of heights.
There are also interactive exhibits to learn about the history and culture of Hong Kong. 
 But a walk around the deck offers the most amazing views of Hong Kong in every direction.
The kids were able to point out our hotel and some of the other places we visited.  
This bird's eye view of Hong Kong was incredible!


  1. Wow, you could get a nose bleed way up there, what a wonderful view. I can't wait to see it.

  2. OMG! They're growing up so fast! Abby looks like a young lady now (and a very nice one, I'm sure!)
