Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Philippines Trip (Abby's perspective)

My Philippines Trip

Day 1:  We flew to Manila then to Roxas. We were picked up in the Jeepney and rode on that to the hotel.  

Day 2: In the morning we went out exploring and found a big chess game in a park. We played one BIG game. It was fun and hot.       
Later we went to a school that Sister Vicky teaches at. 
There were a few boys following us and giggling. It was interesting to see what a big difference in size between them and Ian.
That night went to the Roxas Stake Center. There was a big party with all the primary kids we played games like… 
Musical Chairs,

Maria went to town,
a Philippine piñata
and a few other games.

Day 3: Today we went to the Roxas Stake Center and did the Liahona Children's Foundation (LCF) distributions.   
There were about 20-25 kids. We were trying to play with them but truthfully they were all pretty shy. This adorable little girl is named princess and she is the daughter of the Brother who drove us around.
The next place we went to do the distributions was in Pari-an. 
There was a cute old lady in a red dress, who was very friendly. Church is held at her house. I love how kind and friendly people are in the Philippines. 

Next we went to a town called President Roxas. We tried to play a few games with the kids there but they were too shy and we had to play by ourselves.   

Next we went to Estancia.
Leah and this cute little girl were coloring together (more or less). It was cute because when I gave her the pen and paper I had to help her a little bit to use the pen right and make lines.
As usual all the members were a little shy but nice. 

Next up Manoling to stay for the night. We had to stop and buy a few supplies for the ride. While we were waiting we watched the people go by and when they waved we waved back it was funny to see their reactions. 
On the dirt road some people rode on the top but I just went on the back with Audrey.
It was fun on the back. It started to rain but it did not bother me much. Later the rain started to pour down and we all had to go inside. When we got to Manoling, they welcomed us with dinner. Their house had a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a family room, and side barn type structure on the side of the house. We slept in one of the bedrooms.

Day 4: I woke up early due to a restless sleep and noisy roosters. A few hours later we went to church. 
The church building is brand new and so nice. 
After church we did some more LCF distributions. Dad had a meeting with some of the leaders. 
While we waited for him to finish we taught the kids how to play "Down by the Banks" It was so fun. 

Later that day, we went to the river to see their new bridge and to swim. It was really cool to swim around, skip rocks, and play with each other. 

Day 5: Monday morning we went to the waterfalls in the pouring rain. I did not like it.
Before we left Manoling, we jumped rope with our new friends and ate popcorn.
We took a few pictures with everyone.
Including one of Leah and her new lola (grandma). 
It was so cute and awesome to see her picking Leah up and hugging her.

We drove to Roxas and had FHE with the stake president, Sister Vicky  and some sister missionaries.
It was really fun. We played games and had treats. 

Day 6: We traveled to another city, called Kalibo. We did another LCF distribution.
It was cool this time because we helped sort the food supplements. There was soya milk powder, peanut butter, and baby cereal.
It was really fun.
Day 7: Today we did our last LCF distribution. Afterwards we helped make pizza. 
Then we drove to the pier to get on a boat to go to Boracay. That night we went to the beach 
and played on the beautiful beach. It was awesome.

Day 8: We went to the beach early.
Poor Cade did not feel good. He got a little food poisoning. Luckily it didn't last long and he soon came to play on one of the best beaches. Not everything goes great.
That afternoon we went back to Kalibo to stay over night because we could not get to Roxas unless it was the middle of the night.

Day 9: We woke up and drove to Roxas and left to catch our plane to Manila and finally back to Hong Kong.

I liked Boracay and Roxas.
My favorite part was Boracay.
I loved the beach because the water was crystal clear and the sand was perfectly white. I was scared to go to Manoling because people told me there were bugs and it was totally black at night but I'm still alive. 

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