Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Philippines Trip - Cade Style

The Philippines Trip

...Cade Style...

Oct. 30 - Nov. 7, 2014

My family, Audrey, and I left for the Philippines on October 30th, 2014. We flew from Hong Kong to Manila, then from Manila to Roxas. 

We stayed in Roxas for 2 days, Thursday and Friday. We stayed in a hotel called The President’s Inn. On Friday, we did some food distributions and interviews for the Liahona Children’s Foundation (LCF). We went from Roxas to Pari-An to President Roxas to Estancia and back to President Roxas. From there, we drove in a Jeepney to Manoling. In Manoling, we stayed with the bishop from Saturday night to Monday afternoon. After church on Sunday we did the LCF distributions and interviews. The kids were really funny.

On Monday morning, we climbed through this long mountain pass in the middle of a torrential downpour to these awesome waterfalls. Most of us went swimming and dove off cliffs into the pools. When we went back, parts of the path were completely flooded with water. We had to ford a river four times!

Sadly, we left Manoling and stayed Monday night in Roxas. On Tuesday, we drove to Kalibo and did two LCF distributions and interviews (one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday). I liked Kalibo the best because we got to hand out the powdery biscuits to everyone. Apparently everyone had had them before, because they all ate them really quick. The family in charge of the Kalibo part was really awesome; we made pizza together and they were hilarious. Their dad and his sister were great cooks! 

Later that day, we drove up to a city called Caticlan and took a ferry to Boracay. The beaches at Boracay were sweet. The water was so clear, you could see the bottom clearly for a really long time.

Finally, on Thursday afternoon we went all the way back to Kalibo, and stayed with some older missionaries there. They were really kind, and we had a fun time at their house. 

On Friday at midday, we drove back to Roxas to catch our flight. It got delayed for like 45 minutes. When we landed in Hong Kong, I was excited to be back, but I also missed everyone who we had met.  The people there are so cheerful and loving. It was amazing to be with them, even if it was only for 8 days. I would absolutely go back. I had a great time in the Philippines!

Leah at the beach in Boracay.

Getting on the plane!

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