Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away!

The monsoon season is here and it's been raining every day for more than a month - and it's only just begun!  On a good day, light rain showers are short lived and come and go throughout the day.  With only an umbrella, we get a little wet but our walk to and from school is still rather pleasant.  On a bad day, however, the rains are more intense, the sky grows very dark, the winds blow, and we get soaking wet even with an umbrella.  This kind of rain requires ponchos and rain boots, flip flops, or crocs.  Ponchos are needed not only to help keep our clothes dry but especially to protect homework and papers inside the kids' backpacks.  Even with all the proper rain gear, there's days we still come home soggy and wet.  One day, Leah and I came home 3 different times absolutely drenched.  Nothing we could do could keep us dry.  Fortunately, the rain is not cold so if you don't mind getting wet it can be pretty fun.  During one particularly big downpour, Kyle, Cade and Leah even put on their bathing suits to go out and play in the rain.

Personally, I'm tired of carrying umbrellas, getting splashed, and coming home with wet shoes, feet, and clothes.  Plus, it's harder to do our "get-out-of-the-apartment" activities and I tend to get a little more stir-crazy.  So, when a beautiful, clear, sunny, Saturday arrives, we make sure to get outside and enjoy the nice, non-rainy weather.

One Saturday we hiked to the Hac Sa Reservoir to ride the paddle boats.

Another Saturday, we went back to Guia Hill and found lots of new, cool things to see and do.

And we also visited the Kun Iam Statue, the Buddhist goddess of mercy.

I love our family outings and am so grateful for a few dry days during this incredibly, wet, rainy season.  Rain, rain go away!

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