Saturday, May 11, 2013

Singapore Vacation

A few of our favorite things from our 4-day Singapore vacation.

The merlion is the mascot of Singapore - it has the head of a lion and a body of a fish.
This giant merlion statue located on Sentosa Island
has a viewing deck in his mouth and on top of his head.

 Lots and lots of beautiful beaches
During an evening walk along the beaches, 
we discovered a cool looking suspension bridge leading to a small islet. 
Crossing the suspension bridge in the dark was a little scary for Leah and Ian
but we made it across safely and found we were at
the "southernmost point of continental Asia", a claim made because the small islet is connected to Sentosa Island by bridge, which is connected to Singapore by a causeway, which is connected to Malaysia by causeway. 

"Known for having the most beautiful wildlife park settings in the world, 
where animals roam freely in open and naturalistic habitats".
The best zoo we've ever been to!
The orang utans (2 words in Singapore and pronounced orang OOtans) were entertaining to watch, especially the group in the branches above the kids.  A baby was clinging to the mother as another young one run ahead up the branch - super cute!  Many of the monkeys species roam freely in and around the park.  We saw many in the branches above us as we walked around the zoo and even saw one crossing the road as we drove to the zoo (yes - there are many monkey crossing signs).
The white tigers were very active and playful and lots of fun to watch.  We learned one reason why the tiger is so important in Asian culture - the Chinese symbol for "king" is on the tiger's forehead.

My kids are fans of the naked mole rat character on "Kim Possible"and 
were excited to see the real life animal, which are "sooo tiny and cute".
It was a hot and humid day, but we loved walking around the zoo,
seeing the different animals, 
playing on the rides,
and enjoying the beautiful, rainforest atmosphere.

But, the most memorable moments at the zoo were...
Leah riding a pony (she'll talk about this for years)
and all of us riding an elephant.

With an 18m (59 ft) waterfall,
2 slides,
and lush foliage all around,
the 95m (311 ft) long pool was THE FAVORITE hangout both day and night.


  1. Friends of ours here just got back from Singapore. It's totally on our list, and looks like you had a great time! So cool to be so close to so many amazing places!

  2. Love it! I love the swimming pool and the white tiger! That's awesome!
