Friday, January 11, 2013

School Days

As the kids and I walked to school this morning with happy, playful attitudes, I couldn't help but reflect on the contrast of this same walk just a few short months ago.  A walk that was filled with dread, anxiety, and lots of tears has now become a pleasant, enjoyable morning ritual.  I love holding the kids' hands, having serious and silly conversations, taking turns pushing the stroller, laughing together, and navigating through the sidewalks of Taipa.  It really has become one of my favorite parts of the day.

Cade, Abby, and Ian have each made great friends, learned lots of new things, and adjusted well to school.  The first semester is coming to an end this month so Cade is busy preparing for final exams, Ian's getting ready for another Kindergarten Concert, and Abby's super excited school is half way over.  Here's a few highlights from their first semester.

In P4 (4th grade), Cade's been learning to write different kinds of stories, essays, and poems.  I love this poem he wrote about our trip to Macau.  He summed up our long journey perfectly!

by Cade Kisebach

From North Salt Lake,
To L.A.X,
Then Hong Kong,
It was very long.

On the ferry,
It was kind of scary.
None of their words,
Were nouns or verbs.

 At Macau,
I was like, “WOW!”
Twenty-five hours,
Was more like 100 hours.

From North Salt Lake,
To L.A.X,
Then Hong Kong,
It was very long.

Abby is in P2 (2nd grade).  At the Primary Art Show, Abby and her class had an opportunity to show off their work from their Art, Music, and Drama classes.  They displayed their drawings done in different mediums (chalk, paint, and pencil), sang a few songs, and performed a dance about the 4 basic elements of life (which they've been studying in science).  Abby represented fire, thus the red scarf.  
Although she was a bit nervous before the show, Abby did a great job and really enjoyed performing on stage.

Ian is having so much fun in K3.  Every other month, they put on a Kindergarten Concert.  The different classes take turns performing songs or reciting poems in English and Chinese.  The third concert is next week and this time their Chinese song includes some more intense choreography so Ian's been practicing quite a bit at home.  I included a video of the first concert earlier in this blog so if you missed it, here's a link to it 

The biggest highlight of the first semester of school was Book Week.  An entire week was filled with extra activities, games, special rewards, and a fun Friday party to promote books and reading.  Parents read books to classes during the week, the administrators called students at home in the evening and if they caught them reading the student was given a new book the next day, teachers handed out bookmarks to students reading during the school day and when the student collected 4 bookmarks they also got a new book.  But the best part was the party on Friday when students and teachers dressed up like a book character.  Parents came for a potluck lunch and assembly where the students showed off their costumes. 
Ian was a knight in shining armour,
Cade was Percy Jackson with an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt,
and Abby dressed up as Annie from the Magic Treehouse book series.

I'm so glad there are so many good memories from this first semester of school.  It may have been a difficult adjustment but the kids are stronger for it.  They've each learned some valuable life lessons.  I hope there's many more positive school days to come in the second semester. 

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