Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Picture Potpourri

I have more pictures from our Macau adventures than I know what to do with (and it's only been 4 months!).  We've taken pictures of many "firsts", strange foods, cool sights, and lots of fun events.  Sharing these pictures on the blog has been a great way to journal our adventures but there's no way I can make a post about all our pictures.  So, here's a potpourri of pictures we've taken the last 4 months that are worth sharing and remembering.

On a walk from Taipa to Cotai (Kyle's daily commute to work)
A view of Taipa from an overlook park on the Taipa Grande
The torch tower at Macau Olympic Stadium
Old Taipa Square
Hot Pot Dinner
Bubba Gump's at the Peak in Hong Kong
A waterfall along a hike around The Peak
Dancing in the streets of Hong Kong (wish we'd taken a video instead!)
Bamboo Trees
Freeze dried anchovies - a local favorite (Leah loves them too)
The dragon wall (one of our favorite landmarks) in Old Taipa
Proof that the Chinese love to take pictures of us.  And, it's contagious - one person gets us to pose with them and then others don't want to miss their chance with the "golden hair" ones so one quick photo turns into a 5 minutes photo shoot with about 20 different photographers.
A Lion Dance costume made for 2 people (a dragon costume needs more people).   Some lion dance competitions are performed on tall poles with small platforms only big enough for one person to stand on.  
Riding bikes in Old Taipa
Hot dogs and marshmallows?!?
Statue of the Portugal explorer known for colonizing Macau
Sports day at school
Reading Chinese
A gigantic Buddhist shrine
Although we spoke different languages, with smiles and simple hand gestures, Abby, Cade, and Kyle took turns playing badminton with a cute Chinese lady that was fascinated with our family.
The boys posing in front of a tongue (they made the butchers laugh) at the Red Market (most well known wet market in Macau)
Kung Fu poses
Macau mosaics

1 comment:

  1. Freeze dried anchovies?! Are they as salty as the ones that are on pizza? No thanks, I'll opt for hot dogs and marshmallows!
