Monday, December 17, 2012

Macau Science Center

Every time we cross a bridge from Taipa to Macau (usually a few times a week), we see this funny looking building and every time the kids say "I want to go there", "When are we going there", "Let's go there".  FINALLY, we made it to the funny looking building!
It's the Macau Science Center and it has 5 levels of hands-on exhibits for kids with an observation deck on top.  The kids loved exploring the many different sciences including space, environment, technology, robotics, transportation, conservation, meteorology, sports, and food. 
 Astronaut Abby
Water hydraulics with Ian
Riding the train with Leah
Ian loving being behind the wheel.  
This picture reminds me of a cute Ian story.  Recently, we played a large group get-to-know-you game at church.  Everyone sat in a big circle with 1 person in the middle.  That person would say something like "change seats if you have shorts on".  Then, everyone with shorts on as well as the middle person tried to find a new seat.  The one person left without a seat would be the new person in the middle.  While we were playing this game, someone said "change seats if you have ever driven a car".  I got up along with a number of the adults to change seats.  As I was looking for a new seat, I noticed Ian was also looking for another seat and the people around him were laughing.  I stopped and asked him "when have you driven a car?".  He just laughed and found a seat.  But, I didn't move fast enough from my stunned position and was the last person standing.  I looked at Ian to blame for my losing position, but he just smiled his big toothless smile and answered me, "lots of times".  I guess toy cars and car rides, like this one, count as driving a car in his book.  Gotta love the "E-do"!    
On the observation deck with our good friends, the Knowlers.

1 comment:

  1. Water hydraulics?! Was Kyle giving a tutorial?
