Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hac Sa Beach

One of the best beaches in Macau is Hac Sa.  In Chinese, Hac Sa means black sand - appropriately named as you can see in the pictures.
It was a beautiful day at the beach.  We were told it was a cold day to many locals so the beach was not very crowded.  The water was refreshing and we never felt cold even out of the water.  The kids loved jumping the waves and I tried to get an action picture (just like our picture of Cade and Abby jumping waves in Santa Cruz) but no luck.  I was actually competing with other photographers - my kids were the stars of the beach, everyone wanted pictures.  The girl standing just behind Ian and Leah was one of the more aggressive photographers.  I think she got better pictures of my kids than I did.

The sand was also fun to play in.  I missed taking pictures of the well designed sand castle, volcano, and flower but got pictures of Leah.  She liked wearing the sand!

After a day at the beach, our friends took us to an excellent, authentic Portuguese Restaurant right next to the beach.  We ordered an array of different Portuguese foods; fried rice, stewed meat and potatoes, BBQ chicken, tomato and onion salad, and clams.  I thought the fried rice, despite having shrimp in it, was very good (it made me think of JD's fried rice and I know why he likes it so much).  Everyone loved the meat and chicken, Leah loved the tomato salad, and Kyle, Cade, Ian, and Leah tried the clams.  They all said it was good but Cade’s 4th clam had too much sand in it so he didn’t eat anymore.  The clam sauce was also a big hit for bread dipping.  Abby and I just couldn’t get past the fact that you had to slurp the clam out of the shell - too gross for us!  

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