Monday, August 27, 2012

Buddhist Shrines

Buddhism is the predominate religion in Macau.  As I understand, Buddhists worship daily by burning incense.  Consequently Buddhist shrines can be found in many different places. 
There are small cans and jars lining the sidewalks for incense burning,
 more ornate shrines located next to shops and residential buildings,
many are in the parks, 
 a Temple sits atop a hill,
and this four-faced Buddha shrine is located in the middle of a road. 

This week we've had notices in our lifts (elevators) about an upcoming Buddhist festival. The notice encourages those who will be celebrating the festival to burn incense outdoors so they won't bother the other residences.  However, the notice also states that if any worshippers NEED to burn incense indoors to please keep it to a minimum.  I guess we'll find out soon if we have any indoor worshipping neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. And loosely related to Daoism; and, while I do not ascribe to any religious beliefs, I do try to follow "the Dao" as a philosophical underpinning of my life. If, in your (apparently) peripatetic travels, you should see an english translation version of the TAO TE CHING that you find interesting, I'd certainly reimburse you the price & cost of transhipment...
    The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao
    The name that can be named is not the eternal name...
