Thursday, September 18, 2014

Random Summer Activities

As we're trying to get back into a regular routine with school and activities, I realize how quickly summer is coming to an end. It's been a good summer break. Here's a few pictures from our summer activities that have yet to be featured on the blog.

With the extremely humid and hot summer days, a good bike or scooter ride always ended with a well deserved ice cream treat. On this ride, we found a nice place to sit in the shade.
While enjoying our treat, a little lizard scurried right past us. Ian followed it and got a great picture of it. The lizard had such a long tail!

One hot day, Ian and I went shopping in one of the crowded, outdoor markets. As he looked for LEGO sets and I searched for birthday gifts, a fire truck worked it's way down the center of the market. We were shocked any vehicle could even fit down the street, let alone a big fire truck. We watched as many shopkeepers had to pull in their merchandise to allow it to pass by. We loved the uncongested, specious walkway it left in its wake. However, it quickly filled back up with tables of trinkets, gadgets, clothes, and shoppers. 

For most of the summer, a herd of colorful baby elephants were on exhibit in our city center to raise money and awareness for Asian elephant conservation.
These were Leah's favorites.

We also visited a few museums this summer. In the Space Museum, my little aliens fit right in.

Covered with glowsticks, we celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival because of the full moon or Mooncake Festival because of the traditional mooncakes eaten on the occasion. We visited with friends and had an American version of mooncakes, Oreos.

Our summer has been filled with lots of fun activities and good memories.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I admit, I wish I could go back to the markets and just wander around for another day, I'm just a tinge jealous. I remember how narrow those paths were, wow.
