Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School Days

After a number of tearful school days, the kids are beginning to feel more comfortable with the new school atmosphere.  It's been quite an adjustment for all (Leah and I included - we're lonely during the day) but we're learning from it and trying to make it a memorable experience.
The kids all wear uniforms.  In fact, walking to school we pass other kids in many different school uniforms so I assume all the schools here require uniforms.  I personally think my kids look great in the uniforms and I really like this adjustment.  Abby, however, is not a fan of wearing a dress to school.  There's also a PE uniform for Cade and Abby that they wear once a week.  This is by far the favorite uniform.  Ian and all kindergarten students have a pair of canvas, slip-on shoes they keep at school to wear while they are indoors.
The school is a 6-story building that accommodates students from preschool to 12th grade.  There are 400+ students this year, including students from about 30 different nations.  The office, library, and part of the Kindergarten classes are on the main level.  The cafeteria and remaining Kindergarten classes (including Ian's) are on the first floor.  Primary 1-6 (including Abby and Cade's classes) are on the second floor.  Floors 3, 4, and 5 have classrooms for F1-6 (grades 7-12) as well as an auditorium, gym with climbing wall, science labs, computer labs, and special rooms for drama, art, and music.  The 6th floor or the roof is the playground with basketball hoops, concrete soccer field, trees, and benches.  English is the primary language of teaching with some daily instruction of Mandarin.  Beside the daily subjects of Math, Writing, Reading, Science, Character Development, and Chinese, there's also weekly classes for art, drama, music, computers, and PE.  Cade and Abby's school day starts at 8:25 and ends at 3:55.  Ian starts at 8:30 and ends his day at 3:30 - a huge adjustment for him.  The younger kindergarten classes for kids 3 and 4 years old also go to school for 7 hours but they have a 1 hour nap time (plus teeth brushing and some potty training - too much for my taste.  I'm glad Leah's home with me!).  
There are 20-25 students per class.  Each homeroom classroom has white desks, blue chairs, and is very plain and simple.  Cade and Abby are learning to switch classrooms for different subjects and are adjusting to the different teaching styles of their many teachers.  All 3 of the kids are super excited about learning Chinese and love to share what they learn with us each day.  

I have to admit that the first few days of school were extremely difficult.  It was heartbreaking to watch Abby or Ian crying as they walked away to their classes.  Leaving them in a place that felt scary and lonely to them was so hard for me.  I cried a lot too.  But, we're all doing better.  The kids are making friends, getting to know the teachers and administrators, learning the school, finding ways to overcome their fears, and actually looking forward to another school day.  I'm comforted because they're happier.  It feels wonderful to pick them up from school with smiles on their faces and tons of stories to tell on our walk home.  We are enjoying our school days now!


  1. You should tell Abby about this basic inequity: girls get to wear pants, but boys don't get to wear dresses. Probably explains why every guy I know so enjoys seeing a girl dressed "purty"!

  2. I love reading about your family and how you guys are doing in China! These are the kind of adventures that your kids will never forget. This adventure is building their character in so many ways. Know that the Watanabe's are thinking of you :)
