Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Abby's Birthday at Ice World

In celebration of Abby's 8th birthday, we went to Ice World, an exhibit featuring ice carvings by the world famous Harbin ice sculptors.  It took 50 sculptors 1 month and 10,000 blocks to create a winter wonderland of famous landmarks, a fairytale forest, a music room, a maze, and two slides.  The exhibit is maintained at a chilling temperature of -8 degrees C, which is about 17 degrees F.  Big blue parkas are provided for each visitor but it was still super cold!

Abby invited her new friend, Nattida, who has really helped Abby adjust at school.  Leah quickly fell in love with Nattida too.  The three girls held hands most of the day - super cute!

Tiananmen Square
Chinese Dragon Boat
Cade assisting the princesses up to the carriage ride.
Totem Pole Fun
The Lego block maze
Kyle and Leah coming down the ice slide
Abby and Nattida in the dog sled pulled by Simba's ice buddies
Shark found a yummy snack
Eskimos buddies
Macau Grand Prix
Xian China
China dolls
  Chinese dragon slide

On Sunday (Abby's actual 8th birthday), 
Kyle made peanut butter french toast, per Abby's request.  She discovered this new flavor combination at a restaurant here and it's become her favorite.  Then, after a nice, big lunch, she blew out 8 candles on her birthday cake.  
 The cake was a beautiful chocolate layered cake with white frosting and fruit on top.  But, to our surprise the layers of frosting had chunks of jello mixed in it - not very flavorful but it definitely provided an additional texture to every bite.   
Abby got lots of great gifts, including a Sleeping Beauty Barbie doll who Nattida says Abby looks like. 
 We love our Abby!  She has a big, kind heart, a clever mind, a beautiful smile, a talent for gymnastics, sparkly blue eyes, and a strong sense of style.  This move has been a little scary at times for Abby but she's learning to face her fears and adjust to new things well.  We're so proud of her and love her so much!
Happy Birthday, Abby Dabby Doo!


  1. Awesome! That looks really neat - the ice thing! I'm glad she had a good birthday!

  2. What a fun and memorable birthday! Miss Abby is blessed with a wonderful family and a new friend. What could be better? Peanut butter french toast - wow! xo

  3. Happy Birthday, Abby Dabby Dooooooo! (Imagining Scoobie Doo howling it out.) The Ice Exhibit looked like great fun - they do an Ice "Hotel" up in Quebec every winter, and people actually pay money to sleep on an ice bed! Um, no thanks. Sure am enjoying the posts, and the pictures are great, thanks!
