Friday, June 7, 2013

Busy few weeks

The final weeks before our big, long vacation were super busy.  Not only were we packing and cleaning and prepping our apartment but we also had a piano recital, some friend outings, and lots of dinner dates.

Piano Recital
Cade and Abby showed off their piano skills at the piano recital a few days before we left.  Cade played Minuet in G by Bach and Abby played Book of Mormon Stories.  This was Abby's first recital and she was super, super nervous.  In fact, they skipped her number because she was so scared but she found some courage at the end of the program and played her piece.  She got an ovation for getting up and another one after playing her song so well.   
One of the highlights of the recital was this cute, 80 year old, Chinese woman named Go Mama who just recently started learning how to play the piano.  She sang while she played - it was awesome!
Cade and Abby's piano teacher, Sister Welling, also ended the recital by playing "Flight of the Bumble Bee".  It was a fun recital. 

Friend Outings
The kids wanted to spend some extra time with friends before leaving for 2 months.  Cade went bowling with a few of his buddies,
Abby and her friend went swimming,
and Ian played at a kids zone with his best buds.
It's been such a blessing that each of the kids have made good friends here in Macau.  But special friendships like these make long summer vacation goodbyes very emotional.  Thank goodness for technology today - the kids can keep in contact with their friends half way around the world.

As a family, we visited our good friends, the Titus family, who just had a new baby.

Baby Emily is a doll and my kids loved holding her and examining all her tiny body parts, especially her fingers and toes.  Now, the kids want a new baby in our house.  But according to Ian, we have to have a baby girl AND a baby boy because we can't make the girl/boy ratio in our family uneven.

Dinner Dates
It's always fun to have dinner with friends and leaving for a few months is a great excuse to get together.  We wish we could have gotten together with all the wonderful people who have made our time in Macau so memorable to thank them and express our love to them; unfortunately, that didn't happen.  But, we did have a few dinner dates with some fabulous people.  We had a great dinner with Kyle's co-worker Ioannis and his wife Amanda,
a fun dinner with the sister missionaries,
 a traditional hot pot dinner with the Knowlers,
and a pizza dinner with the Haddaways.

We love all our Macau friends!

We're looking forward to busy summer vacation with lots of fun activities with family and friends.  I'll continue to post highlights from our summer adventures and our return to Macau.

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