Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fun at Discoveryland

During these hot summer days, no one wants to go outside. It's understandable that we all want to stay indoors with the air conditioner on. Thankfully there's a large number of museums, shopping malls, and activity centers around Hong Kong to visit on such days. We recently went to a brand new family entertainment center called Discoveryland. 

The facility is filled with games and activities for kids (and adults) of all ages.
My kids had a great time building with giant LEGO bricks,
sliding down the tallest slides in Hong Kong, 
playing mini golf, launching soft foam balls at each other, shooting basketballs, and just running around with their friends. One of their favorite activities was rock climbing.
With a wall full of different holds, belay ropes, and dressed in a harness and helmet, the kids had a great time scaling the wall
 and racing their friends.
Cade was the first to reach the top.
Leah enjoyed climbing too but loved jumping backwards to come down even more.
There was also a rotating rock wall where the kids held on as someone else rotated it. 

High above all the other activities was the Air Trek, a high wire obstacle course.
Cade and I thought it looked like fun and were anxious to test our tightrope skills.
I got a little nervous once I reached the top platform and felt it swaying. The hardest part was taking the first step onto the high wire. But with every step my nerves calmed and confidence grew.
It was scary and thrilling and fun all in one.
Cade was not as nervous as me.
He flew through the course
making it look easy.
It was a fun challenge.

Discoveryland is a fantastic place to spend a day indoors to get out of the hot, humid, or rainy weather. We had a blast.

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