Sunday, June 8, 2014

Farm Visit

Sharing our adventures in Asia for the last 2 years through this blog has been a fun way for me to keep a journal and help family and friends know what we're doing on the other side of the world. Knowing that some check our blog on a regular basis has helped motivate me to be consistent. Although I've tried to post on a weekly basis there's still so much more I'd like to share. Unfortunately I just don't have enough time in the day or week to post everything. So forgive me but this week (and maybe the next couple of weeks) I'm going backwards a few months to share some things I've missed.

During spring break (I know we don't really have one with homeschool but our friends do and we make sure to do activities and outings with them during their school breaks), we visited an organic farm in Mui Wo called Dragontail Farm.
This farm primarily grows vegetables and herbs to sell locally. During our visit we learned some basics about planting, growing, and harvesting using only organic materials for fertilizer, compost, and pesticides.
The kids planted peanuts and beans
while learning how deep to dig, proper spacing,
 and adequate coverage.

We also learned about pests that can ruin the plants and different pest control strategies, such as using pungent herbs, nets, natural sprays, hanging shiny, reflective objects, and scarecrows.
The kids divided into 2 groups to make their own scarecrows.
The girls' group
and the boys' group.
They found perfect homes for their scarecrows to scare away unwanted birds and pests.

The kids also had a chance to go fishing for tadpoles.
My kids were a little hesitant to get in the water but 
soon were wading knee deep looking for a little catch of their own.
Everyone caught at least one tadpole.
FYI - no tadpoles were harmed as they were kept in a big bucket full of water and returned to the creek.

Visiting the farm was a fun activity for everyone.

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