Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Donut Making

There are many delicious bakeries here in Hong Kong. In Macau, there were bakeries on almost every corner around our apartment complex. We were guilty of indulging in bakery breakfast almost weekly. Thank goodness the bakeries are a little farther away here in Hong Kong (we don't need any more unwanted pounds). Some of our favorite treats at the bakeries include coconut rolls, rock buns (plain, pineapple, or chocolate), chicken pot pies, sausage buns, peanut butter buns, and coconut tarts. 

There are also many strange bakery items we don't care for like red bean buns, curry rolls, and buns with tuna or seaweed. But, the worst thing about the bakeries is the donut section or lack of donuts. Some bakeries do carry a few donuts but they do not come close to the donuts in the US. Consequently we have major donut cravings every now and then.

The first morning of our trip back to the US last summer, Kyle bought 2 dozen donuts. We were so excited to have a real donut again that we inhaled them! 

The last few months, we've been suffering again from donut deprivation. Kyle's especially been craving blueberry donuts (his favorite). With no plans to return to the US for a while, we decided to try and make our own donuts.

I found a blueberry dough recipe online and with help from Leah cut out donuts with our makeshift cookie cutter (a drinking cup).
Then Kyle fried the donuts
and we topped them with a blueberry glaze.
According to the the kids,
the donuts were scrumptious!
And, yes Leah changed seats so she could be in both pictures (hehehe).

Later that afternoon, Kyle and Cade made donut holes to share with friends. They experimented with a cinnamon-sugar topping and had at least one sugar explosion (I'm so glad I wasn't home to see the mess). Despite the mishap, the donuts turned out great and were a big hit at their meeting.

The next morning, Kyle woke up early to make even more donut holes (cause we hadn't had enough donuts yet). Instead of the cinnamon-sugar topping, we dipped the donuts in coconut, glaze, and left a few plain. It was another yummy breakfast!

We satisfied our donut cravings and discovered a simple and fun way to make donuts. Next time we want a US style donut, we can make our own.

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