Thursday, February 6, 2014

Beach Day

Cheung Sha Beach is the longest beach in Hong Kong and it's located not far from us on Lantau Island. We've been told it's also one of the best kept secrets of Hong Kong because it's such a nice beach but never crowded.

On a beautiful sunny day during the first week of January we visited this much acclaimed beach and affirmed the rumors that it's a fantastic beach with very few people. Of course it was probably so quiet because it's still not beach season. But we couldn't pass up such a gorgeous day even in the middle of winter - it was a perfect beach day. There were only a few other beach-goers (and most of them were just walking by). It felt like we had the whole beach to ourselves.

The sand was soft to walk on and littered with amazingly intact seashells. The kids filled their pockets with all the cool shells. The beach was also great to play and dig in, especially for my sand loving kids, Ian and Leah.
The water was still a little too cold to play in but it was fun to watch waves crash along the beach.  There were a few big rocks that allowed the kids to venture out past the crashing waves and still not get wet.
 The west end of Cheung Sha Beach has large boulders with tide pools and other interesting treasures.
The boulders are lots of fun to climb up and over
but can be a bit challenging at times. On the other side of the giant boulders, we discovered another beautiful, quiet beach, Tong Fuk Beach.
Again, we felt like we had the whole beach to ourselves.

Kyle, with the help of Cade and Abby, wrote a cute little love message in the sand in commemoration of our 12th wedding anniversary.  
Later that night Kyle and I celebrated with a nice anniversary dinner date overlooking the beautiful Hong Kong skyline and Victoria Harbor.
In 12 years, we've had 4 fantastic kids, lived in 4 very different cities (Las Vegas, North Salt Lake, Macau, and Hong Kong), and had loads of memorable adventures together. We're looking forward to many, many more years and adventures to come - happily together forever! 


  1. Yet another wonderful post. You know how much I love and appreciate these, thanks again. The pictures are great and so are you.

  2. I can't imagine the two of you any other way. Like a hand and glove.
