Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Silvermine Waterfall

Finding more than high rise buildings, shopping malls, and crowded streets in Hong Kong is not hard - you just have to know where to go.  Luckily we've made some friends that love the outdoors and know where the outdoor gems are located.  One of these fun places is Silvermine Waterfall in Mui Wo.

Located on the eastern coast of Lantau Island, Mui Wo is a quaint, rural town with nothing taller than 3-story village houses and bicycles are the main form of transportation.  Water buffalo and cows are also known to roam freely in the area and often slow or stop bus rides to and from the town.  A short, leisurely hike from the center of town leads to the Silermine Waterfall.

One Saturday afternoon, we joined a group of our friends for a picnic lunch at the Silvermine Waterfall. 
We climbed rocks,
explored the area,
played in the water,
enjoyed the beautiful sunshine,
visited with friends, and ate good food.
We had a great time in the beautiful outdoors.

A few weeks later, the kids and I returned to Mui Wo to hike to the Silvermine Waterfall again with some of our homeschool friends.  The water was not rushing as hard but it was still fun to climb around the rocks, play in the water, and get to know our friends better.
Leah loved the camera and wanted her picture taken on every rock.
We also hiked a little further uphill and found the entrance to a silver mine that was used in the late 1800s.
The mine has been sealed off for safety reasons but climbing to it was well worth it because of the beautiful view of the bay.
We had another wonderful time at the Silvermine Waterfall enjoying time with friends and the great outdoors.

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