Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hiking in HK

Hong Kong is the "most vertical city in the world" with more than 2300 skyscrapers and high rise buildings creating an impressive and inspiring skyline.  Hong Kong is also well known for it's busy harbors, fast paced business and economic lifestyle, shopping, food, extensive transportation system, and dense population of over 7 million people.  But, not far from this urban lifestyle is beautiful excursions into the natural surroundings.  Surprisingly, about 40% of Hong Kong is country parks and hiking trails.  It should be easy to leave the city behind and get lost in the beauties of nature.  

On a Saturday morning, we ventured out to discover this greener, natural side of Hong Kong.  According to google maps, a reservoir and hiking trails were not far away from us but it was more difficult than we imagined to find.  No one seemed to know exactly how to get there.  Our attempt on foot was turning into a long, unending torture, so we found a taxi driver willing to help us.  Ironically, even those the taxi driver asked for directions who ended up living less than 1/2 a mile away didn't know how to get there either.  Fortunately, with google maps and a willing taxi driver, we found the trail head.  (Special thanks to our cool taxi driver!)
At the trail head, we chose to follow the MacLehose Trail.  Although we didn't hike the entire trail, some friendly hikers recommended the path that led to a waterfall and magnificent views of the reservoir.  
It was amazing how quickly the big, busy, concrete city disappeared as we journeyed into the beautiful land of nature.  
We hiked along dirt paths, up and over rocks, through trees and bushes to
a stream and waterfall.
Just above the waterfall, we stopped to rest and splash our necks and faces for a much needed cool down.

Along the trail, we also encountered a few different animals.  Leah loved the big, beautiful, black butterflies.
Cade had a staring contest with this bold lizard for a VERY long time.
It eventually gave up and ran across the path showing off it's extremely long tail.
We also discovered a colony of ants working to together to carry this dead lizard.  It was mesmerizing to watch them walk up and down and around the face of the rock.  I think they were trying to get the lizard into the crack of the rock but it wouldn't fit so they circled around to try again and again.   
We had a great time hiking and enjoyed our day in the refreshing outdoors.
On the journey back along the road the taxi driver took us up, a friendly Chinese couple stopped and offered to take us back down.  (Can we claim we hitchhiked in a foreign country?)  Although we couldn't communicate well with this generous couple, we were deeply touched by their kindness.  There are good, kind people all over the world!
We enjoyed our long, hot day of hiking and hope to discover more of the beautiful, hidden gems of Hong Kong through its parks and trails.


  1. Well, gross but I think I know the answer to the lizard issue. When I was on a mission in Brazil some ants did the same thing with a lizard inside our house (yuck). They carried him up to a crack and then somehow got him to stay there on the wall and picked everything off him from there. So, yeah, I think they got the lizard you saw up to the crack on purpose even if they can't take him any further. I'm sure you wanted to know that. :)
