Friday, September 13, 2013

To Hong Kong or Bust

The kids and I had a very long, uneventful trip to Hong Kong, where Kyle was anxiously waiting for us.  We sailed through immigration and easily got all our luggage.  Nearing the exit, we caught a glimpse of Kyle and got pretty excited.  Leah started jumping up and down, cheering, and raced to be the first to give him a hug.  It was awesome to be together again!  
Kyle spent the night before at the hotel connected to the airport because our flight arrived so early in the morning.  Wisely, he opted for a late check-out so we had a room in which to refresh and relax.  I caught up on some much needed sleep while Kyle and the kids went swimming.

Jet lag + swimming = CRASH
The kids fell asleep in the hotel lobby waiting for the taxis to arrive and take us to our next hotel (closer to our next day's activities).  It was a CHALLENGE to move our over-tired kids.  We discovered Ian's a pretty good sleep walker in wide open spaces but in narrow hallways, like our next hotel, he ran into walls - not a fun way to wake up!  Thank goodness for the bellhops who managed ALL of our luggage.  Once we got to our rooms, the kids quickly found a comfortable spot (Cade wasn't even on a bed) and "hit the pillow" hard.  They slept from 3:30 pm to about 6:30 am, almost 15 hours!  

The next day we attended a work party with Kyle's new company, Energenz.  The rainy weather changed the venue from an outdoor, beach, and kayaking activity to an indoor bowling fest.  
I quietly rolled a few strikes, including a turkey, and soundly beat everyone in the first game - go me!  Game 2 was a much closer race but Kyle pulled out a win at the end.  We really enjoyed getting to know Kyle's new co-workers.  It's a young, growing company (10-15  employees).  Kyle's the oldest and most experienced in the group; plus he's the only one married and with kids.

Making it to Hong Kong with 4 kids, 4 suitcases, and 4 back packs with no major incidents was a big success!  We're all so happy to be together as a family again.  Although, our immediate future plans, including where we're going to live for the next year, are still vague, we hope that being together will help that decision process.  Check back soon to find out where the Kisebachs end up living and what we're doing for the second year of our Asian adventures. 


  1. When Brielle saw this. She said "oh Leah! She's my favorite girl!" So sweet! miss you all!

  2. You are the bomb Krista. Very small bowling alley eh?
    I am really proud of you and the kids for making the trip by yourselves, go Krista.
