Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Year...

It's been 1 year since we embarked on our Macau adventure.  It was a challenging year but we made some very special friends and have lots of wonderful memories.  As a family and as individuals, we grew in so many different ways.  I like to think we're all a little stronger, kinder, more patient, more forgiving, and more aware of others.

With an unknown end date to our Macau adventures, we came back to America for summer vacation (a few more posts about our summer fun are still to come).  While here, it became clear that Kyle needed to change jobs and our family needed to return to Asia for another year.  So, Kyle accepted a position with Energenz, a Hong Kong based company, and the kids and I committed to extending our Asian adventures.  Although final plans and details are still in the works, this coming year will be very different from last as we live in Hong Kong and homeschool the kids.  We're all really excited about the new adventure that awaits us.  I'll continue to share our experiences through this blog.

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